Out of Body
The second level of the Animalism Discipline allows the Kindred to possess an animal host. Furthermore, this effect interacts with the “Eyes of the Vermintide” Merit. However, possessing an animal host in this manner applies restrictions on the Kindred’s “true form” that continue for as long as the Kindred consciousness inhabits the animal host.
The “true form”:
Enters involuntary torpor with no awareness of the surroundings of its body or dangers presented to its “true form”. This lasts for the duration of the Kindred inhabiting the form of the animal host, or sunrise, or if the Kindred wills itself to return to the “true form”, or upon the death of the animal host. Whichever happens first.
The “true form” may not use any Disciplines save for Fortitude which is always active for the “true form” of the Kindred only. Though it should be noted that the possessing Kindred may not use any of the Disciplines of their “true form” whilst possessing the animal host. Only the Disciplines of the animal host, if applicable, may be used.
Uses its blood to power the effects of the second level of Animalism as well as any Disciplines the animal host may have.
May not be fed blood and may enter Frenzy when the Kindred consciousness returns to the body depending on blood spent while possessing the animal host.
Houses the beast of the Kindred meaning that the Kindred will not Frenzy or suffer the Rottschreck whilst possessing the animal host.
The animal host:
Is the template used for stats and skills while possessing the animal host, though the Kindred may apply its own intelligence and as such, may apply certain skills from the “true form” within reason. For example, a rat biting wires to apply the security skill. The Narrator Team have the final decision on whether the use of a “true form” skill is reasonable while possessing the animal host
Will not carry out an action out with its nature unless the possessing Kindred spends one blood point from the “true form”.