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Case notes 001

Day 1.

Study of Edinburgh Waypoint.

Kindred Present. "Anna" (30yrs Ventrue), "Alex" (150yrs apprx Tremere), Delilah Harkness (?yrs Malkavian) Lilianna Vise (Minimum 100yrs Tremere Childe of William Vise), Kay (?yrs Order of Janus Gangrel).

Note: Keeper Locke not present (?yrs Order of Janus ?). Worn out via security upgrade?

Note: Waypoint cleaner than expected. They use it to gather it appears.

Note: Alex tends to swear. Thinks this is expressive. Incorrect.

Note: Anna is abruptly direct. Borderline rude. Her youth buys my patience for now.

Note: Kay very tired. Clear overwork. Quick handed. Heavy handed. Must negotiate with care.

Note: Not present. Sheriff Anthony (Best friend of Alex. Possible engagement in "stupid idea"?)

Affiliation: Impersonation of Camarilla. Unsure of reason for impersonation.

Officers: Sheriff Anthony, Seneschal Harkness, Prince Lilianna. Prince and Seneschal dislike titles being used informally. Unsure of Sheriff

Anthropological Notes

Camarilla impersonation is a difficult thing to formally codify in my current position. Given that I have spent several centuries refusing repeated offers to join the Sect and others like it. But historically, several comparison points can be made.

It stands apart from the Camarilla of the early 15th Century clearly as there is a certain degree of altruism to them. The Prince, however disinterested and wild they seemed to be had some kind of care for those in their charge. Standing them in arguable contrast to the functionalist hierarchy of the Sect structure. Furthermore, as the Jacobite risings proved, they have an interest in some form of Kine preservation which stands again in contrast with historical evidence.

However, the city itself is still aflame and the Sheriff is being accused of actions considered "stupid". Both by his friend and the Ventrue, "Anna", who holds no love for the man clearly. Combined with the revelation that this "Camarilla V2" that they pretend to have is apparently a smelting of Camarilla, Anarch, and Independent Kindred. A mix that has not historically bode well. Dare I say, the recipe for disaster is clearly laid out in the anthropology of what is occurring. But given the impulsive nature of this grouping. I would be loathe to share the point as yet.

Note: The Crow caws for me to share the point to see what would happen. I must reign the bird. To much was shared tonight and it will cause the Hawthorne effect if I am not careful.

Be still Crow. We will investigate more to wet our beak.

An interesting point to consider was laid out by Renzetti and Eddleson (2008) regarding state violence which seems appropriate here. State violence seems the marked method of enforcing whatever rules as Kine anthropology has shown. With the lack of an enforcement arm at this last meeting and the noted lack of respect for said same (being noted as sarcastic and engaging in the stupid). Lilianna finds themselves in a position as a figure of power, authority, and care which is not conducive to the enforcement of boundaries. Meaning either Lilianna will be forced to lose the “den mother” motif or the Sheriff will have to enact a greater degree of authority. Either through respect or fear as common methods such as age are clearly inadequate.

Note: Rumour regarding Tremere mistreatment of Clan Malkavian plus Malkavian reaction seems limited here. Delilah trusts Lilianna to the point of self sacrifice. Lilianna likewise trusts her Malkavian Seneschal. This merits a sensitive degree of investigation so as not to upset a psychological phenomena in occurrence with the Malkavian Hive Mind. Possible case profiles required.

Note: Possible danger to “Anna’s” youth. Theorising chemically manipulating the emotional collective of Edinburgh shows exuberance but inexperience. Dangerous combination for someone thirty years a Kindred. Merits watching and observational notes.

Music: Hotel California by The Eagles
Philosophical Thought: There is no death. Simply a series of eternal nows.

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